AUSTIN, Texas -- Austin City Council approved an ordinance Thursday evening to require fire trucks in the city to have four professional firefighters for every emergency call. 

• Currently every Austin fire truck is staffed with four Austin firefighters at all times
• Staffing model has been in place since 2012
• Official ordinance becomes effective end of December

Austin Firefighters Association President Bob Nicks said that research shows a minimum of four firefighters on a truck the safest and fastest way to protect the public.

“We’ve been leading the four-firefighter charge for the fastest and safest fire service for years, passing this ordinance is a major win for every Austinite’s safety.”
Currently, every Austin fire engine, fire truck, and rescue truck is staffed with four Austin firefighters at all times. According to federal accepted safety standards, four firefighters is the absolute minimum staffing that can be considered safe and effective in a growing city like Austin.
Austin firefighters are asking citizens to join them and thank members of Austin City Council for their support to pass the four fire fighter safe staffing ordinance, which does into effect on December 24, 2018.