AUSTIN, Texas - Volunteers showed up bright and early to help sort and deliver presents this morning.

The Austin Police Department's Blue Santa program helps ensure local families have presents for the holidays.

Toys are sorted at one main location, then they are taken to satellite spots around Austin where they're sorted for delivery to families.

One business owner says he's happy to have been involved in this program long enough to see his work being carried on.

"There's people here (who have) been delivering here and coming for five, six years. The reason they do it? Because when they young, growing up in Austin, we delivered Blue Santa to them. They're trying to give back," said Billy Carter of SuperShuttle Austin.

Blue Santa began in 1972 when two APD patrol officers realized some families were too poor to have traditional holiday meals and gifts. They gathered enough toys to help 20 families that first year.

Now, thousands of Austinites will have presents under the tree for their kids this holiday season.