Behind the barbed-wire fences of the Midstate Correctional Facility, there's an ongoing tension between felony offenders and the correction officers who guard them. 

In July, officials say a young officer was injured on the job. Early reports said he was attacked by inmates. A few days later, around 8 a.m. on July 6, Housing Unit 4H was tossed, and dozens of inmates say they were severely assaulted.

Attorney Edward Sivin, who did not want to go on camera or be recorded, was made aware of the situation later that month. He said one of the inmates who was attacked sent him a letter through another inmate. Sivin was told the facility was restricting their outgoing mail.

Not only that, but he claimed they were and still are being denied medical attention. Sivin said one of the inmates had recently undergone hernia surgery. During the alleged attack, he was hit in that area, causing more damage, but was denied medical assistance.

Sivin said he immediately contacted the correctional facility and its superintendent. He has also filed a letter of intent with the attorney general's office. Thirty-two inmates have been named as plaintiffs.

Both incidents are being investigated by the New York State Police and the Office of Special Investigations. Neither organization will comment until the investigation is complete.

But according to Sivin, not even the investigation is keeping the corrections officers from harming the inmates.

Sivin wrote in his letter, "The officers continue to harass, threaten, assault, batter and punish the claimants in an ongoing attempt to prevent the claimants from cooperating with the OSI and from otherwise pursuing any grievances or complaints arising from the July 6, 2016 incident."

As a result of the physical, emotional and psychological injuries he says they received, Sivin is seeking $2 million in damages for each inmate.

In a previous interview with a spokesperson for the corrections officers union, he emphasized the individuals making the claims are convicted felons and do not have a good reputation for telling the truth.