Our John Salazar visited Oak Hollow Mobile Home Park, a San Antonio community in disrepair that is causing major grief for the residents who inhabit it.
"I've been here 14 years and the problem has been here that long,” said resident Jesus "Jesse" Arredondo.
The problem has grown into multiple code compliance violations.
"As a matter of fact, things have gotten worse,” Arredondo said.
As in raw sewage seeping from open pipes like this one, every time it rains.
"I don't think the owner is willing to comply,” he said.
Or return our phone calls requesting an interview.
On top of code violations, Oak Hollow Mobile Home Park owner Joe Mangione was told by city attorneys to stop telling 60 families they have 60 days to get out.
According to reports, the property owner sent out an eviction notice for everybody who lives on property, citing the city has condemned the property.
"Completely false. Misleading. And makes me wonder whether or not if we have someone who is operating in good faith in his business,” said Councilmember Rob Nirenberg.
Tenants say Mangione is not a businessman on the up-and-up.
Ida Martinez and her husband are one of 12 families who do have to leave the park behind. The city says a dozen of the homes are too dangerous to live in.
"Because my neighbors have kids who play outside, they are in danger. And that's the reason why the problem is even greater," said Martinez.
"I'm just planning on moving out and find something better than this,” added Arredondo.
Which is on the minds of just about everyone at Oak Hollow.
This after told 60 families they had 60 days to get out.
Right now, 10 families are living in a motel after code compliance officers found a dozen homes too dangerous to live in.
Two other families are in the process of moving. This all started after neighbors complained of raw sewage from bad plumbing and septic tanks pouring into the yards after heavy rains. Mangione (man-gee-OH-knee) told all residents the city condemned the entire park.
The city attorney called that a lie, issuing a "cease and desist" order to retract that statement.
Neighbors are not happy.
"I had spoken to the city before and the councilman and development services, and they never stated they had condemned the park right? So that was just false information," said Arredondo.
Several code compliance violations are posted on the park's entrance.
As of air time, the owner has ignored the city's citation to fix sewage and other issues.