ANTELOPE VALLEY, Calif. — The Palmdale Sheriff’s Department wants to know what they’re getting right and where they can improve.

As the national debate prompting “Black Lives Matter” and “Blue Lives Matter” responses continues, local law enforcement is reaching out.

The Palmdale Sheriff’s Station says they’re continuing efforts to keep communication open.  One way they’re doing that is with the Community Advisory Committee.

"They bring us just the insight into the community on the new policies that we’re coming out with or issues that may be in the media or going on in their community that we may not know about," said Deputy Eric Caplinger, of the Los Angeles county Sheriff's Department, Palmdale Station.

The Committee also works to ensure compliance with the 2015 settlement between the U.S. Justice Department and Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.  That case resulted from contested allegations of Fair Housing Act violations and policing issues in the Antelope Valley.  

Now, there’s a rare opening to serve on this very Committee.

"You either have to live in the Palmdale area, which includes all the Station area, Acton, Aqua Dulce, Little Rock, all those outside areas, or you have to have some kind of a stake in the community, like maybe you own a business here or you’re part of some community group that is based here in Palmdale,” said Caplinger.

People do not necessarily have to be a citizen to serve, as the Sheriff’s Department says neither residency nor immigration status will be requested.  They say that’s just to keep the opportunity open to everyone.

"That’s the whole idea of this is to get the community to tell us what we’re doing bad and what we’re doing good, so that we can fix it.  If we’re doing really well at something, we want to continue that, but if we don’t have the feedback, we don’t know,” said Caplinger.

Anyone that has an issue that they would like to bring to the attention of the Palmdale Community Advisory Committee, coming soon will be a website where people can contact individual members. The Palmdale Sheriff’s Station says they’ll be getting the word out, as soon as that’s available. 

For information on this volunteer position and to obtain an application, contact Palmdale Sheriff’s Station at 661-272-2400.