Some Astoria homeowners say Amtrak has gone off the rails with a proposed rent increase.

Amtrak owns property on 23rd Street in Astoria underneath the Hell Gate Bridge. But for decades, the railroad company has leased the land to neighboring homeowners with the understanding that they could use the land if they maintained it.

Most of the residents pay just $25 a year for the use of the property. But in letters sent earlier this month, Amtrak is looking to raise the rent to $25,000 a year, and for some residents, up to $40,000.

Elected officials gathered with residents Thursday to call on Amtrak to reconsider the increase.

“Amtrak is looking at this as a money grab. It's not about the people, it's about money,” said Congressman Joseph Crowley.

“I invested a lot of money,” added homeowner Loretta Palazzini Csikortos. “We made a deck, we cemented, we got basketball courts. I couldn't afford, since I'm retired, this kind of money. I thought it was a typing error!”

In response, Amtrak tells NY1 it discovered the low-rent leases in a recent review. It goes on to say in part, “Those lease holders who are using the property for commercial purposes, will be notified that Amtrak is requesting rates equivalent to the commercial fair market value. Amtrak has been, and will continue, to work with all lease holders on an individual basis.”