HAYS COUNTY, Texas -- Amid a shortage of volunteer firefighters across Texas and the nation, one Central Texas fire department is finding success recruiting volunteers.  

Officials from North Hays County Fire and Rescue say they've had an unusual increase in the number of citizens wanting to join the department. 

"We have a lot of folks coming and knocking on the door," said North Hays County Fire/Rescue Chief Scott Collard​. "They look at this as a really good opportunity to be able to do something that's not only important to the community itself, but it's fun for them." ​

The department relies on a combination of volunteers and paid staff to respond to calls, with six different stations servicing approximately 281 square miles of northern Hays County. It's a mix that's been working well. 

"If we didn't have the folks we have that are going to accept the responsibility we give them, we wouldn't be able to maintain this level of service or the model that we use," Collard said.  ​

For one volunteer, the rewarding work has carried on for the past 21 years. 

"I've been around longer than most," North Hays County Fire/Rescue​ Assistant Chief Bob Love​ said.​

Love said things have changed since he first started, but he still enjoys coming to the station. 

"I look forward to running the shifts with the guys and being prepared and taking care of people. That's what we're here for," Love said.  

Love is nominated for the national "Step Up and Stand Out" award, honoring outstanding volunteer firefighters. But when Love is asked why he should get the award, he quickly turns it back to his fellow volunteers. 

"All the volunteers, they're really the ones who make it. They pull the shifts and run the calls, and I just kind of keep things pointed in the right direction," Love said. 

It's a  fitting answer -- selflessness runs deep among volunteer firefighters. And it's especially true here, where so many are ready to answer the call. 

If you'd like to cast your vote for Love for the "Step Up and Stand Out" award, you can go to  http://woobox.com/woodoh