TEXAS -- The Texas Department of Public Safety has come up with some new initiatives geared toward helping drivers with communication impediments.
Those with high functioning Autism or Asperger’s don't always understand sarcasm or innuendos, and police officers don't always realize they're dealing with someone who is autistic.
DPS plans to educate officers on how to recognize and best respond to those individuals.
"They'll say, something like ‘Where's the fire?’ And, the person with Autism may take it literally, and say ‘Well, there actually is no fire I'm going to.’ So, the police officer may take this as a smart-alec remark and find it disrespectful," said Samuel Allen, an Autism community representative.
Because the face of Autism is not always obvious, those eligible can now request that a communication impediment notice be placed on their driver's license.
That way, officials can be made aware of the circumstances, and act accordingly.