On Monday city leaders from Schertz and Seguin voiced their opposition to the project because they say it would be built on the outcrop of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer.

SAWS issued a statement saying:

“The proposed Post Oak Clean Green, Inc. Landfill, located in Guadalupe County, is over the recharge zone of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer, and presents a potential risk to municipal and domestic water supplies being developed in the area. SAWS is committed to providing our 1.7 million customers with a safe and abundant supply of water.  Therefore, we continue to oppose approval of the application and stay abreast of any changes that could adversely impact any water supply source.”

The proposed Post Oak MSW Landfill would be built about 25 minutes east of Seguin.

This aquifer supplies water to cities like Seguin, Schertz, San Antonio, and will soon provide water for the Vista Ridge pipeline.

City leaders found out details of the landfill proposal during a permit hearing in Austin back in January.

"Water being such a precious commodity, particularly in Texas, it is the most precious commodity we have here. It is imperative we just don't take this kind of chance with the main water source for Seguin, Schertz, and even for the people of San Antonio,” said Seguin’s mayor Don Keil.

Requests for comment from the landfill's parent company Post Oak Clean Green Inc have gone unanswered.

The state is reviewing the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's preliminary approval for the landfill permit.