Rich Segal joined the Time Warner Cable News Weather On The 1s team in March 2003,and has been weather forecasting for more than 35 years.

His career began in Columbia, Missouri, when he was asked to be a fill-in weathercaster for the University of Missouri television station.

He was told it would take two or three weeks to find a permanent replacement from the Atmospheric Sciences Department. Two weeks turned into three years, and Rich's passion for weather developed during this time because of the changes in the climate of mid-Missouri.

Rich moved to Texas in 1978, serving as a chief meteorologist in Wichita Falls from May 1978 to March 1989. From there, he moved to Denison where he served as chief meteorologist and then news director.

He says the challenge of forecasting weather in Texas was much greater than it was in Columbia. Texas has move severe weather situations than Missouri, so there was more for Rich to learn regarding thunderstorms and tornados.

Rich is a member of the National Weather Association. He spends several hours a month visiting schools and organizations to talk about Central Texas weather.

When he's not studying up on the latest weather technology, he spends his free time as an avid sports fan and spending time with friends. He is the Assistant Commissioner of Softball Austin and serves on the Board of the Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

Here are some other things you might not know about Rich:

  1. Being a weatherman was not what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a sportscaster.
  2. I wanted to be a sportscaster because my love for things like Fig Newtons and Oreos gave me more of a stomach than an athlete should have. This was back in the 60s when physical fitness was two words. My work as the public address announcer for the University of Texas has allowed me to fulfill the goal of wanting to do something in sports.
  3. I love politics as they used to be not as they are now. I liked it a whole lot better when the candidates actually cared enough to talk about the issues and practiced a certain amount of civility.
  4. At the end of the National Anthem, during the lyrics "...and the home of the brave," I actually stare at the third star, New Jersey, which is where I was born.
  5. My favorite movies are comedies and sports-themed, as well as ones that are about people, events, and are well-casted. A few of my favorites are "The Big Chill," "Doubt," and "Ordinary People." My favorite actress is Meryl Streep.
  6. The greatest joy I have in my job is NOT being on television, but rather to be visiting a school talking to students about what I do and having them ask great questions.
  7. I have one goal … one bucket list item … that I want to do and that is to conduct a symphony orchestra.  Maestro Peter Bay, any time you have an opening … 
  8. Getting up at 2 or 3 a.m. some mornings to work Burton Fitzsimmons' shift is not as bad as it seems. I love working mornings and getting the day started.
  9. The thing I fear the most in my job is people not paying attention to Flash Flood and/or Tornado Warnings. I really worry that some people will drive around barricades and get caught in rapidly-moving water.
  10. Being an uncle offers as much reward to me as being a parent. My niece and nephew are my world.

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Twitter: @RichSegal1121 
