You can watch Chef Dan Eaton's "Cooking at Home" segment seven days a week. And find past recipes anytime on

Dan spent his early years on a dairy farm in Vermont where he developed a fondness for foods “straight from the land.” Cooking seasonally was more of a necessity then, but Dan still finds local ingredients, in season, a driving force behind his menu creations.

After resettling in upstate New York, Dan attended Alfred State College. There, he was exposed to ceramics through the world-renowned art department at Alfred University. Making pottery became a favorite passion that continues today. In fact, some of the plates and bowls seen on Cooking at Home segments are original, handmade pieces!

After college, Dan moved to Rochester and began apprenticing at local upscale restaurants. Dan considers himself a self-taught chef and has worked at and commanded the stoves at some of the city's top restaurants. These include the Rochester Club, Rooney’s, 2-Vine, the Rio Bamba, tonic, Pearl and Max of Eastman Place.

Over the course of a 20-year culinary career, Dan has had the opportunity for intensive stints with some of the country's most well-known chefs. These include David Bouley in N.Y.C, Richard Reddington in Napa Valley, California, and a short turn through Thomas Keller's French Laundry, also in Napa Valley. Additionally, in December 2003, Dan was invited by the French Culinary Institute to cook at the renowned James Beard House in N.Y.C.

Dan is married and has two children and is excited to balance home life and the world of food with "Cooking at Home" on Time Warner Cable News.

Another passion of Dan’s is writing and playing original acoustic pop/rock music. “The Dan Eaton Band” plays out regularly in the Rochester area. Dan joined our team in March 2005.