UTICA, N.Y. -- When it comes to fresh tomato pie in the Mohawk Valley, many will agree that the saucy crisp appetizer topped with Romano cheese is best served at room temperature.

"It's the crust, it's the taste, it's the sauce. It's a combination of everything," said Jerry Zenzillo, Napoli's Italian Bakery co-owner. "It's fantastic. It really is."

Tomato pie began to gain popularity in the early 1900s in Italian-American communities like East Utica. A few dozen venues make it in the area today while some are better known than others.

It's believed one of the first places to sell tomato pie in Utica was at O'scugnizzo's Pizza on Bleeker Street in 1914. Then-owner Eugeno Burlino decided to make an entire tomato pie and sell it for just five cents.

Today, Burlino's grandson's Steven and Mike Burline continue to sell the famous pie and pizzas.  A few ingredients have changed, along with the size and price, but it continues to be:

"Good. It's just good," Mike said. "It's easy to handle, you can cut it in small slices and serve it like an appetizer, like you said, and it's just good."

A few miles away, the Zenzillo family at Napoli's also know a little something about tradition. They've been pumping out tomato pies on the regular for more than five decades. 

"We still do it the way dad used to do it over 50 years ago. The crust and everything is just phenomenal and people just keep coming back," Jerry said.

Tomato pie is especially popular for outdoor parties in the summertime, or just about any time when you just want a snack. But, you can't get it just anywhere. 

"I actually had a guy yesterday, going to Vegas, he came in, he wanted to buy five tomato pies and take them with him because they don't have them in other states. You know, it's a Utica thing."