STOKES COUNTY, N.C. -- Gun sales have hit record-breaking numbers this year during the pandemic. The Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting reports a 135 percent increase compared to July of last year. Big box stores and small stores have had trouble keeping guns and ammunition in stock.


What You Need To Know

  • Apex Defense Group offers professional training in defense and gun safety

  • Gun sales have risen more than 135 percent since July 2019

  • Experts strongly encourage gun owners of all skill level to practice and receive professional handgun training

Apex Defense Group is offering gun safety courses specializing in concealed carry permitted owners and everyday carriers. The instructor teaches how to properly handle and take care of hand guns.

Instructor Ryan Coe says, "People who thought that they would never own a gun in their life, and now they're going 'I need to protect myself, I need to protect my family'. They're going out, they're buying weapons."

​Army veteran Dallas Dunn knew how to use a gun, but after years of practicing on his own, he decided to pick up some new skills.

Dunn says, "You can't just decide, 'I'm going to start carrying a gun' and just do it because it will have very dire circumstances. You need to train and be ready and actually understand how to use it if the situation ever arose. "​

​The group offers classes every week for gun owners at different skill levels. Click here​ for more information.