GREENVILLE, S.C. - The City of Greenville is celebrating Black History Month with its annual Black History Bus Tours.
While seats for the tour quickly sold-out, there is an option for people to participate in a self-guided tour.
The tour includes a total of 10 locations across the city, some of which include:
- Claussen’s Bakery, where Dr. Martin Luther King spoke to striking Black workers.
- The Working Man’s Benevolent Temple, once the hub for Black business professionals.
- Springfield Baptist Church, where young activists gathered before protests and sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement.
- McClaren Medical Clinic, built by Dr. Edward E. McClaren with his own funds to provide healthcare to Black families who could not be treated at white hospitals.
The self-guided tour packet can be found online. A tour brochure is also available in the Visitor’s Center at City Hall.