Cleanup continues from the flooding in Canandaigua earlier this month. The heavy rain prompted leaders to declare a state of emergency.

The town and state are now working on accessing FEMA funding to fix damaged infrastructure. Since the flood, Ontario County Commissioner of Public Works Bill Wright and his team have been examining roads and bridges looking for signs of damage.

The July 9 flood impacted more than 180 residential homes, apartment buildings and municipal infrastructure, county officials said. Five-and-and-half inches of rain fell in just a few hours, according to the Automated Weather Observation System. It overwhelmed culverts, pipes and drainage systems.

The pirate playground at Outhouse Memorial Park was one of the areas hit hard by flooding. Officials say it will be re-mulched on Thursday and once it's finished that part of the park will reopen.

On Friday the county announced that enough progress had been made in its cleanup efforts that operations at its temporary Flooding Information Center have now ended. Anyone with flood-related needs is asked to contact 211 for assistance.