With Friday marking Gun Violence Awareness Day, the Golisano Children's Hospital hosted an event to raise awareness.

Community violence-prevention organizations 585-SNUG, Rise Up Rochester, Mom’s Demand Action and Be Smart were all in attendance. UR Medicine’s Firearm Injury Prevention Program was also a part of the event.

According to the hospital, firearm-related deaths surpassed car accidents in 2020 as the number one cause of death for children. Last year, officials say Golisano and Strong Hospital cared for 44 children under the age of 19 for gunshot wounds, five of whom died. The youngest patient was just a year and a half old.

"Gun violence is very real to me and it has been for years," said Regina Cornelius, who was at the event. "It's something you never get over. It affects your family, your friends — people everywhere."

Hospital and community advocacy teams provided awareness resources and education to those in attendance, as well as letter templates that can be sent to elected officials. Gun safety locks were handed out as an added layer of security that can prevent injury and theft.