Police say dozens of young people were fighting and causing a disturbance at the Mall at Greece Ridge on Tuesday.

Several law enforcement agencies responded to the scene.

Mall officials say the youths were in violation of the mall's parental escort policy, which requires anyone under the age of 19 to be escorted when at the mall after 4 p.m. by a parent or guardian.

“It didn't happen by accident, right?" Greece Police Chief Michael Wood said. "You don't get 150 to 200, you know, juveniles, basically, or teenagers all at once without sort of a coordinated effort. We really don't know, other than just creating chaos, what the endgame was, so to speak, of this group, which is ultimately what they did. And our job is to keep people safe. It's our number one priority."

The Mall at Greece Ridge is now enforcing that parental escort policy from open until close from now through Jan. 1.

The full policy can be found here.