ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Dozens gathered in downtown Rochester Saturday to rally for reproductive rights.

It comes after the leak of a Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

The rally featured speakers from multiple Rochester organizations, working to uplift Black, Brown and trans voices.

"We have to get up and march to prove that these are our bodies”, said Kim Smith, political director for VOCAL NY.

Michelle Cassey from Planned Parenthood told the crowd that taking away legal abortions won’t stop them from happening, it’ll just make them harder and more dangerous to access.

"Getting access to this care shouldn’t depend on your age, the color of your skin, your zip code or how much money you make, but it does,” said Cassey.

Many people at the rally couldn’t believe that they were still having to fight for reproductive rights.

“So many of us grew up with understanding that Roe was settled into law, we could never have imagined our own children would have less rights,” said Cassey.

Speakers urged the crowd to continue fighting, even after the rally ends.