BRIGHTON, N.Y. — The pandemic brought many challenges to nursing homes. However, one nursing home in the Rochester area found something to celebrate. 

The Friendly Home in Brighton ranked number one in the state in a new list by Newsweek. The rankings are based on criteria like peer recommendations and the handling of COVID-19.

Ann May moved into the Friendly Home two years ago, just before coronavirus changed everything. But even during the pandemic, she says it lived up to its name. 

“In my case, coming at the time when the virus came, I don’t really know what it was like before,” May said. "But if it’s good now, it must’ve been even better.” 

May seems to know everyone at the Friendly Home; frequently stopping to chat with staff at the front desk or buying candy from the gift shop. It’s the little things like that, she believes, that lead to the Friendly Home being ranked so highly. 

“I know why the Friendly Home is number one, they put us number one,” May explained. 

And it can only go uphill from here, she says. 

Now that COVID-19 restrictions are easing up, you can find May at the concerts held for residents or hosting a forum, swapping stories with ladies about where they went to high school and their careers.  

It’s not easy living apart from family, but Ann May says if she has to, she’s glad it’s here. 

“I thought right from the beginning, if I have to be in a nursing home, I’m glad it’s this one,” she said.