IRONDEQUIOT, N.Y. — For the first time since before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Seabreeze has reopened to the public.
Seabreeze opened at 11 a.m. on Saturday, and an hour and a half later the Lanasa family from Pittsford walked through the gates.
"It's because this one has been asking for a while, so that's why and to celebrate COVID kind of being over,” Phil Lanasa said. "Getting back to before COVID, BC.”
They quickly recounted all of their park favorites.
"What about the water slides? Did you miss the water slides?" Jen Lanasa asked their youngest daughter. "So we miss riding the roller coasters and water slides and just being here with family."
"We did miss the water slides," added Phil.
The Sorrentinos and Nicole Demauro of Webster are season passport holders who make sure to come on opening day every year.
"It just felt weird not coming to Seabreeze," said Domenico Sorrentino
"We weren't able to celebrate our birthdays like we normally do," added Demauro
"It was hot last summer. We weren't able to go in the wave pool, waterpark, so we missed out on that too," said Christina Sorrentino.
Jim Centola of Greece jumped at the opportunity to take his kids, and says the love of Seabreeze now spans several generations.
"We are always going to be coming back,” said Alexander Centola. “I've been coming to this park and my dad was a life guard for the wave pool."
"A long time ago," added Jim. "I grew up, coming here, worked here and now I'm able to bring my two sons here. It's a summer of tradition. It's nice to have Seabreeze back open."
Seabreeze will stay open until September 13.