The mother and child who were rescued from a Jay Street house fire earlier this week have passed away, according to family members. 

Fire crews arrived on scene shortly before 8 a.m. Monday to find flames shooting out the back of the home.

Following an aggressive search, firefighters rescued 22-year-old Amber Robinson and her 6-month-old daughter Da’miiyah Sides from the second floor and began performing CPR. Both victims were taken to a local hospital, where they later died of injuries.

"I was at work and then when I got out of work, I had missed calls and text messages and told me to go to the hospital, my grandma's house on fire. My niece and my sister got burnt up real bad and my sister was unresponsive,” said Quamaine Roberson, the victims' sister and aunt.

“Time is of the essence," said Lt. Ryan Fleming of the Rochester Fire Department. "So they found the door closest to the fire. It was locked. They breached the door. They make an aggressive attack. You find your search pattern. You get in there, stay low [and] search for victims. In this case, they found two of them.”

Crews extinguished the fire within 35 minutes.

The cause of the fire is still unclear.