It’s been two years since Ryan Corbett, a Rochester-area native wrongfully detained by the Taliban, was with his family.

Corbett returned to Afghanistan on July 26, 2022 to check in on his business overseas. Two and a half weeks later, he was detained by the Taliban in a 9x9 basement cell with little access, to food, water, sunlight, or the bathroom. 

"It's not just Ryan and his little family. It's the entire United States saying, we need Ryan home. We want him to be alive. And it is not right that he's being held in these conditions for having done nothing wrong," said Anna Corbett, Ryan's wife. 

It took 14 months for Corbett to be declared wrongfully detained. Bipartisan resolutions passed both in the House and the Senate are calling for his immediate release. His family has spoken with him on the phone ten times. They say his health is declining, but every chance to hear his voice gives everyone hope. 

"He realizes how many people around the world are following and are very concerned about him, but he's still not home," Anna said. "And I'm going to keep fighting and advocating for him and making sure nobody forgets him because he's getting worse."

His wife has been to Washington, D.C. more than a dozen times advocating for his release. 

"Being in a crisis mode at all times, the level of uncertainty that we face each day, the unknowns of what news will hear," she said. "Not being in contact with my husband of 20 years now with the kids' dad just can't be described. Most people can't understand losing contact with a loved one for 24 hours. This has been two years that we have very little contact and it's exhausting and scary."