ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Isolation has been a challenging part of the pandemic for so many people. But a local program is helping some seniors stay social. 

“This was the first of its kind in the country where an older adult gathering place was inserted inside of a YMCA,” said Michelle Leboo, program coordinator for Lifespan.

Lifespan’s Lilly Cafe at the Maplewood Family YMCA is a lifesaver for a group of seniors that meets there regularly, despite the pandemic, for a book club. 

“But it was still kind of a nice ending anyway,” said Bernard Roth of Irondequoit.

Roth is 96 years old, but don’t let his age fool you. He continues to start new chapters of his life and looks forward to coming to the gathering. 

“I read a lot at night and I love the group that we have, the book club where we can discuss a book that we’ve read,” said Roth.

The retired physicist’s wife died about four years ago. 

“So I have not felt isolated and I have not felt lonely, even though I’m alone,” Roth said.

"We do more than have a book club. So our book club, we talk about politics and life and the weather and we tease each other and we laugh," Leboo said.

It’s a close-knit group. They consider each other to be friends and even family. And they talk about the role the book club plays in their well-being. 

“Oh this group helps me enormously,” said Ellen Mahler of Rochester.

“What we’re doing here is being social while maintaining appropriate physical distance to minimize the chances of passing along a communicable disease. The very definite thing about humans is we are social beings and it is important to maintain that and that is precisely what this group is all about,” said Mick Cole of Rochester.

“Oh, I think it’s very very important for me anyway. I don’t have that much of a social life and I don’t watch too much TV. So this ability to see people, to talk to them, to listen to them, for me is important,” Roth said.

Folks who come to the book club are enriched in ways far beyond the pages of the books they read and discuss. 

"I can’t even tell you how important it is," Roth said.

Bernard has already received his COVID-19 vaccine and plans to have nothing stop him from returning for the next book club.