ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) announced Wednesday it will require masks be worn during all indoor campus activities, regardless of vaccination status.

This goes into effect Thursday, August 5.

The university cited the rise of the contagious COVID-19 delta variant and increasing transmission rates both locally and nationally. 

Those who are not fully vaccinated are being required to wear masks outdoors in crowded settings, when distancing cannot be observed.

This comes as Monroe County reported more than 100 new COVID-19 cases for the first time since May, and days after the county's commissioner of public health, Dr. Michael Mendoza, and County Executive Adam Bello recommended that all residents wear masks in all public indoor facilities

The university says masks must be worn at all times, expect when alone, in a private office or living space, or while eating.

"We are encouraged to see high vaccination rates among our students, faculty, and staff," RIT President David Munson said in a statement. "We thank those individuals who are working to protect the RIT and surrounding communities from COVID-19 spread. We remain committed to ensuring a safe environment for all and will adjust our practices as new information and circumstances dictate.  In particular, we are hopeful that this new masking mandate can be relaxed after the nation and our region achieve higher vaccination rates. I am optimistic that we will have a healthy start to the semester, leading us into a great academic year."

Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classified Monroe County as a 'substantial' transmission area for the COVID-19 virus.


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