Tax season is underway and the IRS is now accepting and processing your tax returns from 2022. Things might look a little different this year for many taxpayers.

Most Americans get a federal tax refund every year and for many, that refund is a big boost to their finances. However, that may be smaller this year.

Tax specialists say that's due in part to the expiration of some tax-break enhancements that were in effect the previous tax year. 

Also, you should know if you pay later than the deadline, you may be subject to penalties and interest.

The IRS website is full of resources filers can use to make the process a little easier. They range from tax filing forms to free tax software for those who qualify.

Tax professionals are also available to help.

"You don't want to miss underreporting your income, but certainly you don't want to miss overreporting it either, right?" said Ryan Bouychey, of the Bouchey Financial Group in Troy. "We want to make sure that we are paying the appropriate amount of taxes that we qualify for."

Making mistakes when filing your taxes can result in something as simple as a delayed refund or even being audited. That's why it can be a good idea to seek professional help when filing complex returns.

The deadline to file your taxes is Tuesday, April 18.