ROCHESTER, N.Y. — For many of us, movie theaters provide an escape, at least for a couple of hours. One of Rochester’s best-known theaters is about to finally reopen following a long shutdown due to the pandemic.  

Thirteen months is a long time. In the community, and the world, so much has happened in that time. But at The Little Theatre, not much has happened during that time. For 13 months the doors to Rochester’s iconic independent movie house have been closed.

What You Need To Know

  • For 13 months the doors to Rochester’s iconic independent movie house, The Little Theatre, have been closed

  • It will reopen on Friday

  • Just two of The Little’s five theaters will show movies on opening weekend, and with a smaller staff than before

That is about to change.

“It's been surreal not being open to the public during this time,” said Scott Pukos, public relations coordinator at The Little.

Pukos has watched a lot of movies during the pandemic, albeit from home, where he says it’s not the same.

“There is something about coming in the theater,” he said. “Getting hit with that smell of popcorn, sitting in your seat, having the surround sound and that big screen.”

That big screen is about to come to life again. The Little will reopen Friday. The yellow tape stretched across many of the theatre seats is for social distancing. There are now numbers on the back of assigned seats. Moviegoers are asked to get their tickets in advance.

“Part of the magic of movie theaters is watching it with other people,” said Pukos. “Getting other reactions. Getting that community sense. So there'll be less people and they'll be wearing masks, but it'll be to some degree, you'll have that sense of community, which is really a unique thing that's special for movie theaters.”

Many small independent movie theaters already had a tough go. The pandemic made it worse. Just two of The Little’s five theaters will show movies on opening weekend, and with a smaller staff than before. Despite that, the theatre is still hiring.  

Pukos says membership actually spiked when The Little was forced to close last year. The former theater 5 is now named in honor of Jack Garner, the legendary Rochester film critic who died last summer. The main theater is available to rent for private screenings. 

“We've gotten a lot of messages saying, I'm sick of watching a movie at home,” said Pukos. “I don't want to watch it on my computer, my TV. I want to come in and watch it on the big screen.”

After 13 long months, it’s about to happen again.

“There's nothing like being open, and having people come in and enjoy The Little experience,” said Pukos. “So we're excited for that to happen again.”