For fast food fans egg-cited about the hatching of Chick-fil-A in the Rochester area, here's another juicy nugget.

Rumors are swirling that Chick-fil-A is looking into Irondequoit as a location for its next expansion into Monroe County, specifically the East Ridge Road and Portland Avenue area where Staples used to operate.

Irondequoit Town Supervisor Dave Seeley downplayed the reports on Twitter before outright saying he was speaking off the record to a media source and didn't realize he would be quoted.

Seeley then said that no application at the site has been made.

Chick-fil-A opened its first Rochester-area eatery last year in Greece, which fast food fans flocked to for a chance to win free chicken for a year.

Developers have also been looking at Henrietta as another possible location for a Chick-fil-A.