A half-million dollars is headed to Poughkeepsie to revitalize the northside neighborhood through the Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant program.

Thurgood Marshall Terrace and Martin Luther King, Jr. Garden Apartments will benefit from the funding. The two properties combined have more than 100 units.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development unveiled $6.5 million in funding for 13 communities. Department officials say the money is intended to build community wealth and strong local economies while supporting residents and businesses.

Additionally, $3 million is on the way to Poughkeepsie via the Environmental Protection Agency as part of an effort to reduce methane emissions from closed landfills in the area.

EPA representatives will join local and regional officials for an event Friday morning at the Dutchess County Solar Array to outline the funding, which is part of the EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program.