It was all fun and games at the opening ceremony for the 36th Annual Orange County Senior Game. Seniors from across the Hudson Valley filed into the Warwick Shoprite for a free lunch, and a "Price Is Right" game with question topics ranging from healthy meals to staying hydrated. 

"It's very educational; they teach us about nutrition and also prices and a well-balanced diet," said Nancy Stavrides, a participant. 

Participants got a chance to meet with one of Shoprite's dietitians, who had nutritional tips seniors can apply year-round. 

 "For seniors you always want to make sure that you have a nutrient dense plate so having your low fat dairy, your fruits, your vegetables, your whole grains, and your lean protein really making sure that you have a well-balanced plate," said Gina Knudsen, the registered retail dietitian for the Warwick Shoprite.

In addition to picking up some healthy eating tips, seniors could also join a game of nutrition bingo. 

The Senior Games is actually a week-long event of several activities including things like archery, golf, and a 1-mile walk. Some participants enjoy the activities so much they return every year.

"I've been coming for the last 15 years and it's still going strong, “said Hakimah Al-Jahra, a participant. "They feed us, we have a good time, we meet new friends, we play nice games."

Event organizers say registration is open all week long for any senior 55 years old and older for $12 per person. For more information about how to register for Senior Games activities, click here.