A U.S. airstrike near Baghdad's airport killed a top Iranian general who had been the architect of its interventions across the Middle East.

The killing of General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Quds Force, marks a major escalation in the standoff between Washington and Iran, which has careened from one crisis to another since President Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal and imposed crippling sanctions.

Here are what area members of Congress are saying about the incident:

Senator Chuck Schumer

"Last night, the United States conducted a military operation designed to kill Major General Qassem Soleimani, a notorious terrorist. No one should shed a tear over his death.

The operation against Soleimani in Iraq was conducted, however, without specific authorization and any advance notification or consultation with Congress. I am a member of the Gang of Eight, which is typically briefed in advance of operations of this level of significance. We were not.

The lack of advanced consultation and transparency with Congress was put in the Constitution, or rather the need for advanced consultation and transparency with Congress, was put in the Constitution for a reason: because the lack of advanced consultation and transparency with Congress can lead to hasty and ill-considered decisions. When the security of the nation is at stake, decisions must not be made in a vacuum. The framers of the Constitution gave war powers to the legislature and made the executive the commander-in-chief for the precise reason of forcing the two branches of government to consult with one another when it came to matters of war and of peace.

It is paramount for administrations to get an outside view to prevent groupthink and rash action—to be asked probing questions, not from your inner and often insulated circle but from others, particularly Congress, which forces an administration, before it acts, to answer very serious questions.

The administration did not consult in this case, and I fear that those very serious questions have not been answered and may not be fully considered.

Among those questions:

What was the legal basis for conducting this operation? And how far does that legal basis extend?

Iran has many dangerous surrogates in the region and a whole range of possible responses. Which response do we expect? Which are most likely?

Do we have plans to counter all of the possible responses? How effective will our counters be?

What does this action mean for the long-term stability of Iraq and the trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives sacrificed there?

How does the administration plan to manage an escalation of hostilities? And how does the administration plan to avoid a larger and potentially endless conflagration in the Middle East?

These are questions that must be answered.

It is my view that the president does not have the authority for a war with Iran. If he plans a large increase in troops and potential hostility over a longer time, the administration will require Congressional approval and the approval of the American people.

The president’s decision may add to an already dangerous and difficult situation in the Middle East.

The risk of a much longer military engagement in the Middle East is acute and immediate. This action may well have brought our nation closer to another endless war, exactly the kind of endless war the president promised he would not drag us into.

As our citizens and those of our allies evacuate Iraq and troops prepare for retaliatory action, Congress needs answers, to these questions and others, from the administration immediately. 

And the American people need answers as well."

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

“Gen. Soleimani was directly responsible for the deaths of many Americans and our allies. But rather than making America and the world safer, President Trump’s impulsive actions have instead moved us closer to war.

“Without seeking congressional authorization or presenting any coherent or clear strategy, President Trump ordered military action that may precipitate another armed conflict in the Middle East. Escalating military actions against Iran has put our service members and Americans abroad in grave risk of retaliation by Iran and its proxies. It is troubling that Americans serving our country have been put in harm’s way again because President Trump did not carefully consider the devastating consequences of war with Iran before ordering this strike.

“Time and again, this president has acted recklessly and without strategy, escalating military risk, breaking his own promises, ignoring the precedent of the last two decades of war, disregarding allies, and throwing away our diplomatic wins. He has allowed North Korea to grow bolder with its nuclear ambitions, abandoned our Kurdish allies in Northern Syria, bullied Ukraine for political gain and has brought us to the brink of war with Iran. This reckless approach to national security and foreign affairs cannot be allowed to continue.

“President Trump must notify Congress immediately and seek authorization based on a clear explanation of the goals of military action, our adversaries and the countries where our service members would be sent into conflict. The Trump administration must brief Congress immediately on any military plans and what steps are being taken to safeguard Americans. And Congress must exercise its constitutional authority before it is too late.”

John Katko (NY-24)

“With Tehran already vowing forceful revenge, there is no question this action will have consequences and the United States must be prepared.  We need a decisive strategy and, as a member of the House Homeland Security Committee,  I recognize that we must be diligent in our efforts to bolster counterterrorism. We must remain focused on keeping this country safe from retaliation – not only on the ground in the Middle East and here at home, but from potential cyberattacks against our nation.”

Anthony Brindisi (NY-22)

“Qasem Soleimani was responsible for death, destruction, and violence against hundreds of brave Americans and now he has been brought to justice. There are many questions that deserve answers with regards to the Administration’s plan for peace in the Middle East. Keeping our servicemembers safe and fostering stability in the region should be the top priority. Congress needs to execute its Constitutional responsibility and oversight of military operations. The Administration needs to present a clear plan that will protect America’s soldiers and our interests in the region. The American people and our brave men and women in uniform deserve that much.”

Elise Stefanik (NY-21)

“I support President Trump’s decisive action to respond to Iran’s dangerous belligerence. President Trump is reaffirming the proven doctrine of Peace Through Strength. Iran was given multiple warnings and instead chose to continue to escalate tensions and threaten US troops and diplomats. The era of leading from behind with pallets of cash is over."