A typical lunchtime at school was anything but for one student on Monday. Spectrum News 1 was there when she was paid a visit by someone she had not seen in months. 

You don’t always know when the most memorable moments of your life are just around the corner. Or in this case, waiting around the corner, as Pfc. Bri Mumley was with ballons in the air and a teddy bear for her daughter.

She hadn’t seen her since April because she’s been away, deployed with the U.S. Army.

“My heart's beating too," laughed Mumley, Adrienne Shelley's mom.

Shelley, a seventh-grader at Pine Grove Middle School in East Syracuse, was attending lunch, thinking it was another typical day at school. She had no idea who was on her way.

It was a moment they’ll never forget.

“They told me that a teacher was getting an award," Shelley said. "I turned and I saw mom and I was like, 'Oh, my gosh.' Like, I didn't believe it at first. I was like, 'am I dreaming?'"

"I've been building up for this moment, and I am happy it's finally here," Mumley said. "So I cried. I did cry a little bit. I teared up a little bit, but well worth it.

All the FaceTimes and days not seeing each other are in the past for now. Right now, it’s time for an annual tradition.

“Me and mom have this thing. Once a year, we always go to Chili's and we didn't do it this year. So we’re probably going to Chili’s," Shelley said.

"Oh, I missed you so much," Mumley said, as they were on their way to Chilli’s, reunited again.