New free Overdose Emergency Kits will now be available at domestic violence shelters and service providers across New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Thursday.
An Overdose Emergency Kit is a wall-mounted metal box that contains naloxone and training resources for administering.
“The opioid and overdose epidemic has impacted far too many New Yorkers,” Gov. Hochul said. “Alongside harm reduction, preventive, and treatment support programs, the expanded access to lifesaving overdose emergency kits in domestic violence programs will save lives, and we will continue to focus State resources towards addressing the overdose epidemic effectively and compassionately.”
The kits are made possible by Project COPE (Community Overdose Prevention Education), a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant-funded initiative.
Project COPE is also offering free training for domestic violence program staff on harm reduction and overdose prevention.
Over the past 18 months, state officials say nearly 700,000 Overdose Emergency Kits have been distributed statewide.