Lewis County was among the hard-hit areas of New York from the leftovers of Hurricane Beryl, which tore through pockets of upstate Wednesday, registering seven confirmed tornados and causing significant damage in the village of Lowville.

Like many across the state, it was a hectic time for Chuck Dibble, a Lowville homeowner.

“I tossed and turned all night last night," Dibble said. "I didn’t know how we were gonna get this taken care of. Then, people just showed up.”

Dibble had followed the storm from his North Country home, watching it move from region to region. Unfortunately, his neighborhood wasn’t spared.

According to the National Weather Service, Lowville received more than six inches of rainfall. 

“All of a sudden, it just started raining cats and dogs. It just came down real heavy. I had the place fairly well set up and I thought I was doing well, but we’re in the low land here, and there’s a lot of high ground behind us."

Lowville resident Stephen Malone was also affected. 

“So, we pulled our pumps and it started just boiling up out of the ground right here at first. Then the ground collapsed because there's a storm drain that runs right under this house and goes into the school,” he explained, describing sink holes and a basement full of valuables, gone.

Dibble suffered heavy losses, but was helped by neighbors.

“Good living quarters down in the cellar," Dibble said. "We had a king-size bedroom down there. There's a shower down there, washer and dryer. There was a living room down there. There was a sofa with a television, a playroom for the kids."

Despite the hardships, he was grateful.

“It's a blessing that my wife and I still have our health and the house is still here. I can't get over the neighbors that responded and come out to help us,” Dibble said.

Around a dozen of them helped him and his family.

“These folks here in Lewis County, here in Lowville, I mean, it's like one big family. Everybody's helping everybody," he said. “Grateful for what we have. We have our losses, but it’s just material things. You can replace it.”