It’s a balance as fifth grade teacher Mr. Manley now teaches a few students online, but most in the classroom each weekday at Poland Central School.

What You Need To Know

  • Poland Central School is offering weekday classes on-site

  • Students are socially distanced and wear masks

  • Kids are given "mask breaks" throughout the day

“It’s great to see the kids again," said teacher Todd Manley. "I know yesterday a lot of kids I had from last year, we stopped seeing them in March, so they came down to the class yesterday just to poke their head in and say hi. So it was kind of nice. We didn’t really get to say goodbye.”

All the kids have their masks on unless it’s time for a mask break.

At select times throughout the day, Mr. Manley times his students as they rotate, getting the chance to take their masks off for about a minute. They’re socially distanced as they do so.

“It’s a little bit unique for them. I know it’s not normal, but I think with taking mask breaks and things like that, we take them outside as much as we can to get out and do some learning, so I think all the things we have in place so far is a good start for us to get back into school," he said.

Things are different. Kids are even eating lunch in the classroom, but at least they’re in the classroom.

“Not every school has all the kids back every day and we’re fortunate that kids are able to come back are here every day and that’s a really good thing. I think it’s a lot better than it was in the spring," Manley said.