Trial begins for a Utica man accused of killing his grandmother by setting her on fire.

Andre Anderson is facing murder and arson charges.

In opening statements, prosecutors say the victim, Freddie McKinney, told first-responders her grandson did it. There were multiple fires in her apartment.

Prosecutors say her clothes were bloody and reeked of gasoline. They also said Anderson's shoes smelled like gas when he was arrested at a Utica motel.

The defense was brief with their opening statement.

They do not dispute the evidence, but told jurors it all comes down to how it is interpreted and that Anderson did not intend to kill his grandmother.

"The issue is how did the fire start? How did the petroleum, the flammable solution get dispersed throughout the house?," said Oneida County Public Defender Kurt Schultz.

"The evidence at autopsy paints a picture of nothing less than the intentional and depraved infliction of extreme physical pain," said Oneida County First Assistant District Attorney Michael Coluzza.

Testimony is scheduled to begin on Tuesday morning.