A local middle school parent-teacher organization is looking into missing funds.

The Roxboro Road Middle School PTO, in the North Syracuse Central School District, reports that their bank accounts were left nearly empty by a previous board member.

Board minutes show they are more than $35,000 in debt, jeopardizing future planned student activities and field trips.

"The PTO board reported the discrepancy to school administration and law enforcement. At this time a full investigation is being conducted regarding one sole suspect, who is no longer part of the PTO," a statement from the PTO said. "We are devastated by the news and the effect that this will have on our student community."

The PTO says it has reorganized and closed all financial accounts.

"The district was disheartened to learn about this unfortunate and upsetting situation involving the Roxboro Road Middle School PTO. Each school's parent group is independently run by volunteers and their finances are not overseen at the district level. We will ensure that no students miss out on enrichment opportunities because of this. The district will fully cooperate with law enforcement as the investigation continues," the North Syracuse School District said in a statement. "We are grateful to new volunteers who have stepped-up to take over the group and to establish PTO bylaws. The new board is actively encouraging additional parents and guardians to come to meetings, get involved with the group and help rebuild the PTO."

The Onondaga County Sheriff's Office confirms it has an open and ongoing investigation, with the district attorney's office saying it's assisting the sheriff's office. Neither the sheriff's office nor the DA's office would comment further.

The parent organization asks for parents to attend a June 10 meeting.