Heather Morrison enjoys presenting the Weather on the 1s forecast right here on Spectrum News. You can also hear her forecasting on the radio airwaves 7 days a week for stations across New York state.
Heather knew she wanted to work in the news business from a young age. Being a Capital Region native, Heather is in tune with the change of the seasons. She has endured many long, cold, snowy winters. She also enjoys the colorful autumns, delightful springs and steamy summers around the Albany area.
"The weather here is unique, and unpredictable,'' she says. "It makes forecasting in the Capital Region an exciting endeavor."
Heather began her television career in Michigan, first at WOTV 41 in Battle Creek, then on to WLNS 6 in Lansing where she was both a director and forecaster. Following that, she worked as a weather assistant for UPN 9 in Secaucus, N.J., before she came back to Albany to help launch the areas first 24-hour cable news station.
Heather is a graduate of Western Michigan University where she was not only a student but also a resident adviser and television studio director. Heather then attended the Mississippi State University Broadcast Meteorology Program. Heather has a passion for weather but her biggest love is her family and two wonderful sons.