Journalist Marcie Fraser has dedicated her career to health and medical stories. As a veteran journalist, Marcie began her news reporting career at WRGB-TV the CBS News affiliate in Albany, New York. In 2002, Marcie joined the Health team at our station. Today her health reports are produced for both Albany and the other Upstate New York Time Warner Cable News channels and websites. Along with her medical reports, Marcie keeps viewers healthy with her bi-weekly fitness segment Active Now. Children’s health and wellness also play an important role in Marcie’s reporting. Watch for her weekly Child Wellness reports every Wednesday.

Marcie is also an author of two books, Where’d My Butt Go? contains the knowledge and experience gained from her practical work as a behavioral eating specialist. Besides her on-air and web reporting, Marcie also writes a health column for some Capital Region newspapers. In 1993, Fraser earned her master’s degree in public health with a concentration in community and family health from the University of Albany. To expand on her health knowledge, Marcie is also an instructor of human nutrition at Empire State College, University of Albany.

An avid ballroom dancer, tri-athlete and retired bodybuilding champion, Marcie has motivated and counseled thousands of individuals. She has shown them how to maximize their performance and reach their full potential through nutrition.