NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — ​We know tourism is a big part of the Niagara Falls economy, but just how big?

Tourism economics report in 2019 travelers spent more than $760 million in Niagara County alone.

The industry took a hit last year, but now with things getting back into swing, places like Rainbow Air are benefitting. The helicopter company takes travelers above the Falls for a view.

Last year they still operated, but this year they are seeing a lot of visitors.

"It's the best view in town, because you get to see all of the sites from both the U.S. and Canadian side, you see the bridges, you can see more in 10 minutes than you do from any other venue in Niagara Falls," Paul D. Faltyn, vice president and director of operations of Rainbow Air Inc., said.

To take a ride, you must wear a mask.

For more information, and to purchase tickets, visit