In Arabic, Farhan translates to “joyous.” In a life cut short, Farhan Afzal lived up to his namesake.

“I know he was sometimes called the mayor of the school, walking around, happy, every time smiling,” said Farhan’s father Afzal Mohammed.

The 19-year-old passed away Monday after a years-long battle with a brain tumor.

“He is in peace now,” said his mother Naz Afzal.

Farhan had a passion for origami and famous at school for making paper cranes. Friday, Farhan’s mother, father and brother visited Shaker High to see an art project displayed in his memory. Cranes Farhan made hang next to hundreds made by his classmates.



“All that shows how much he meant to everyone; like, he really could make everyone’s day,” said Anna Ethier, one of his classmates.

Art teacher Paul Aubin wants to find a permanent location for the display, hopefully somewhere at Albany Medical Center, to memorialize Farhan.

“He is a kind spirit. That’s who he was and still is,” said Aubin.

In some cultures, origami cranes symbolize eternal youth and hope. As friends and family mourn his loss, it reminds them that during the most difficult moments, you can find peace.

Farhan proved that through the way he lived.

“He wouldn’t want us to be unhappy. He would want us to be smiling and not be sad so we will try our best to be happy all the time and smile for him,” his mother said.