On Tuesday afternoon, Audrey Gomez flipped through the pages of a new Christmas book, exclaiming "Santa!" in excitement. 

The 3-year-old girl, who thinks she's 5, loves Christmas.

"Reindeer," she said, pointing to Santa's sleigh. 

But with a new baby and a new home, her mom, Isabella, didn't have enough to buy presents this year. 

"It's hard because normally I do it all myself so it's just a little different," said the 26-year-old Isabella.

That's where William Rivas comes in.

"I tell you, I have so many gifts, you wouldn't believe," he told the Schenectady police chief.

Rivas is the organizer of the group 'Save our Streets,' and for the second year in a row, he's helping save Christmas for families who don't have enough to give.

"These are my streets. This is my community, so it's very easy for me to put the word out, ask who is in need of what this year," Rivas said.

He delivered presents, decorations and even trees to eight Schenectady families.

"I'm out of work for the rest of my life, so this helped us out a lot," said one father grateful for the gifts for his three sons.

"It was a blessing, It was a blessing," said another who's been struggling to keep up with bills and support her five children.

Rivas will be back to these homes and more on Christmas Eve, too. But for now, this is just enough to bring holiday spirit to a few places where it was missing.

"Merry Christmas!" yelled Audrey to the group who delivered her presents.