The tulips are just about in full bloom in Albany, and just ahead of this weekend’s Tulip Festival, it’s crunch time to make sure every petal is picture perfect. City Gardener Jenna Commerford is leading the charge in her second year on the job.
“We sit down at the drawing board when the tulips come in in October, and we figure out the color, shape, height, and we’ve come up with some good ones this year,” said Commerford.
But carrying on the tradition is no easy feat. The planning process begins years in advance, and the bulbs are planted in October and through the winter.
“Throughout the city, we have a quarter of a million tulips this year. It’s the most we planted,” Commerford said.
Now, more than 160,000 tulips, with more than 150 varieties, are popping up in Washington Park. It’s a labor of love from everyone on the team – especially for Jolene Moore, who has waited more than 12 years to finally get her hands in the dirt.
“This is something I’ve been dying to do my whole career in the city. When you do something you love, it’s like you’re not even working,” said Moore.
She grew up gardening alongside her mom, and visiting the Tulip Festival has always been a tradition.
“I grew up coming … every year, and it’s just something I love to do. I now bring my kids,” said Moore.
But this year it’s extra special for Moore, who had the chance to design her own bed.
“It’s amazing to see how beautiful everything is and you can take a step and look back and be like, ‘I did that,’ ” said the first-year-gardener.
And while spring in New York doesn’t come without its challenges, the group is out rain, shine or snow.
“Tulips enjoy the cold, so as long as we don’t below 28-29 degrees for a steady time, we’re good to go,” said Commerford.
“I have already placed our order for our next set of bulbs, so we’re already looking ahead to 2024.”