Mary Ritayik has worn many different hats in her 24-year career in law enforcement, all leading to a historic accomplishment. She’s the first woman to hold the position of Commissioner for State University of New York Police.

“It was pretty remarkable that a glass ceiling was broken,” said Ritayik. “But don’t just see me as a female. I'm here by merit as well."

What You Need To Know

  • Mary Ritayik is the first female commissioner for SUNY Police

  • She’s been in law enforcement for more than two decades

  • Ritayik has plans to increase diversity within the department

Her merit and her resume landed her the spot in summer 2021.

Ritayik began her career in 1998 as an officer for SUNY Purchase. She moved on to SUNY New Paltz, where she spent a bulk of her career in investigations, before climbing the ranks to chief.

"I was fortunate enough to be in an environment where the women before me had already made rank, were already there for a few years and I learned from them,” said Ritayik.

“It's not a deal-breaker that a male will get this position; no, I actually came through the ranks, and you can do it,” said Ritayik.

Ritayik is out to change the way things are done on campus. She's planning some new initiatives that will add more diversity to the university's police force.

She knows it’s a strength to the entire system to have a woman's voice matter so much.

“I really look at different ways to approach things,” said Ritayik. “Not that it's a gender thing, but I listen a lot more. There's no limitations on what you can do, and if you really look, you'll see women across the country in any role, in any career, succeeding in it."