Sunday was spent mostly cloudy with quiet conditions, but expect area wide snow showers to develop late Sunday evening and become more scattered into Monday morning. Overnight lows will be in the upper 20s and low 30s. 

Snow won’t be falling at all times for some, but lingering snow is expected through Monday morning. Total snow accumulations expected around one to two inches with higher totals near three to five inches possible for higher elevations and lingering lake effect flurries. 

Most of us will see dry skies through Monday afternoon with peaks of sunshine. Although, despite the dry conditions winds will pick up and be blustery around 20-30 mph making temperatures feel like the teens and 20s. Strong winds could also create high waves along Lake Erie and some concern for lakeshore flooding. 

Expect more seasonable temperatures in the 30s to start off the week before getting close to 40 once again on Tuesday. We remain dry with chances for scattered snow showers starting late Tuesday into Wednesday as a cold front pushes through. This will drop temperatures even further with some waking up to the single digits while others will see teens and 20s on Thursday. 

We stay mainly dry Thursday until we become unsettled late Thursday into Friday with chances for rain or snow showers, and above-average temperatures in the 40s near 50 to end the week. 

Stay tuned with the weather on the 1s for continued updates.