Election season is in full swing, and this voting guide will help you navigate all the big races and lead you to the right place and right dates to vote.
Many questions will be answered in the coming months by you, the voter. Spectrum News will be your place for all your election coverage.
To vote in New York, one must be a United States citizen who will be 18 years old by the date of the next election. Also, a voter must have been a resident of his or her state, county, city, or village for at least 30 days prior to the election. A voter can request a registration application in person at the county board of election or any New York state agency-based voter registration center. Forms are also available by mail, by telephone, or online.
If returned by mail, a registration form must be postmarked at least 25 days prior to the election. The form must then be received by election officials at least 20 days before the election. A registration done in person must be completed at least 25 days prior to the election, as well.