BUFFALO, N.Y. — Acting Mayor Chris Scanlon gave his first State of the City address Thursday in the Buffalo Common Council Chambers at City Hall.

Scanlon took over the position after former Mayor Byron Brown stepped down last fall. Scanlon stepped into the role as the city grappled with a multimillion-dollar deficit in its budget.

“We’ve got some challenges," he said. "We’re using them as opportunities, but together we’ll get over those hurdles and the state of the city of Buffalo will be strong for years to come."

In his address, Scanlon introduced his plans to establish three new offices at no additional cost to taxpayers. Those include the Office of Emergency Management and Resiliency, the Office of Innovation and the Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

The Office of Emergency Management and Resiliency will focus on equipping Buffalo to handle extreme weather while leading the city's first-ever Climate Action Plan. The Office of Innovation will streamline city services, eliminate outdated red tape, and improve response times for residents' needs. The Office of Gun Violence Prevention is an initiative led by Councilwoman Zeneta Everhart aimed at reducing gun-related incidents, addressing the root causes of gun violence and improving community relations.

Additionally, Scanlon said he is forming a Small Business Cabinet made up of local small business owners to ensure city policies reflect the needs of entrepreneurs.

Scanlon also said he is seeking approval to implement a 3% hotel tax to boost city revenue and help balance the budget. 

“The conversations we’ve had with hotel owners have been positive. You know, I think one of the problems is last year was 5%. So I think that’s a little more palatable for people," said Scanlon. "But you know, the goal is that, you know, we have visitors coming in here and they should help us pay for the services that they use."

Scanlon said more specific fiscal plans for the city will be announced in the forthcoming budget.

State Sen. Sean Ryan, a candidate in the race for mayor of Buffalo, released a statement Thursday evening in response to Scanlon's address, saying:

"Buffalo's best days are ahead of us, and the people of Buffalo are clamoring for change. 

Acting Mayor Scanlon can try to paper over his record but the facts are clear. He has been a part of the problem throughout his tenure on the Common Council - passing irresponsible budgets and kicking the can down the road. Now, we’re living with the consequences. Our streets are being neglected, our community centers are falling apart, people don't feel safe walking down the street, our neighborhoods are riddled with vacant lots, and our city is in a fiscal crisis. 

Buffalo is an incredible place with incredible people and we deserve better. We deserve a mayor who will move our city in a new direction and finally break the status quo. The same old leadership that has been in charge for too long has failed. It's time for Buffalo to move forward in a new direction."