BUFFALO, N.Y. — Why is playing so important for children?

“It's all about kids having that free play that they’re in control of, where they can get messy, they can get dirty and they’re in control,” said Lindsay Brauer Dzieski, parent and Play Coordinator for the COT Neighbors United. 

For kids like Bailey, getting messy is part of the fun.

“I’ve been playing in the shaving cream and then I went into a bucket full of water,” said Bailey Dzieski.

While play can be a lot of fun, it also has an important role in developing a child’s prefrontal cortex.

“Thats the area thats your emotional regulation, your social skills, thats your problem solving, thats your risk assessment,” said Brauer.

That’s why the COT Neighbors United makes an effort to get kids off of screens and back to playing.

“When its child led, what we’re allowing to happen is they have time to explore, they have time to trial and error, they have time to piggyback off of different ideas,” Brauer said.

“Maybe like once a month I get to play my video game,” said Bailey. 

Because different forms of play help build different developmental needs.

“Whether it is their risk assessment, whether it is their problem solving, or their physical gross and fine motor skills, it’s all being developed,” Brauer said.

Getting kids back to spending more time outside.

“Ninety nine percent of my life [I’m outside],” Bailey said.

And more time having fun.

“They’re much more outgoing when it comes to that creative element that goes hand in hand with play,” said Brauer.