New York state Senator Rob Ortt is reacting to the train that derailed in Niagara Falls Monday. 

At around 8:30 a.m. Monday, a CSX train jumped the tracks and crashed into a garage at the corner of 35th Street and Seneca Avenue. No one was injured in the crash and no one was on board the train at the time.

"I am extremely grateful that there were no injuries following today’s train derailment in a residential area of Niagara Falls, and I want to thank our brave first responders for their quick response and efforts to stabilize the crash site and assist with cleaning up," he said in a statement. "This situation could have been disastrous, and I have several questions as to how something like this happened. I will be seeking answers to those questions from CSX as to avoid a deadly incident of this magnitude moving forward."

Ortt also said he is happy no one was injured and thank first responders.

The detached garage sits just a few feet from the end of a short rail spur at a CSX Transportation rail yard. Only a small metal bumper, two chain-link fences and a narrow, unpaved alley separate the end of the tracks from Harr’s garage.

Photos from the scene showed the blue engine up against the side of the collapsed garage.

Some of the engine’s diesel fuel spilled during the collision, but it was contained and did not impact any waterways, CSX said in an emailed statement. The rail company said state and local authorities, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency, were notified.

“Our primary focus right now is the health and safety of onsite staff and personnel, the surrounding community, and mitigating risk to the environment,” the CSX statement said.

It said the cause of the derailment was under investigation.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.