The New York Attorney General’s Office of Special Investigation (OSI) has opened a special investigation after a traffic stop for speeding and tinted windows led to the death of one man just after midnight Wednesday starting at Kensington and Poultney avenues. 

If OSI’s assessment indicates an officer may have caused the death, OSI proceeds to conduct a full investigation of the incident.

Buffalo Police say that when two officers walked up to the pulled over car, they also saw a 6-year-old child in the passenger seat, not wearing a seat belt.

Police say the officers asked Daevon Roberts, 25, for ID, which he didn’t have. After a search of their system, they could not pull his records up and asked him to step out of the car.

Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia says up until this point, it was a courteous, professional and at times jovial conversation. When that ask came though, police say things shifted.

Police say Roberts suddenly took off with the child inside and one officer, Ronald Ammerman, hanging onto the driver's door.

The car hit speeds upwards of 60 miles per hour, police say, with the officer yelling, “you’re going to kill me,” and pleading to stop. 

As Ammerman tried to hit the brakes, Roberts tried kicking him away, police say.

That’s when police say Ammerman, still hanging from the door, fired about five shots, all hitting Roberts, who tumbled out of the car as it slowed around Federal Avenue, about a third of a mile from where it started. 

“This is extremely, extremely traumatic,” said Gramaglia. “I was horrified watching this video. I was horrified for the officer. That officer could have been severely injured or killed had it turned out any other way, had he not taken the action that he took.”

Ammerman faced minor injuries, but was able to chase after the still-moving car and get the child safely out.

Roberts was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. The 6-year-old, who police say was not Roberts' son, was returned to the mother.

Following the search warrant, a loaded gun was found under the driver’s seat.

The incident is under investigation.