PITTSFORD, N.Y. — Monday morning was the first time Damar Hamlin strapped on the pads and played with contact since he suffered cardiac arrest during a game on Jan. 2.

“Super big hurdle, as you could imagine,” said Hamlin. “I pretty much lost my life playing this sport. So to come back and do it all over again, it’s all over the place. But I’m rooted in my faith. I’m rooted in the love that I receive from my family, my teammates and the love all around the world.”

It’s the latest step in Hamlin’s comeback — doing what he did that caused the medical issue: tackling.

It’s a point in his return that’s as much mental as physical.

“In football, you can’t hit that field with any hesitation,” said Hamlin. “You’re putting yourself in more danger by doing that. Like I said, I made the choice to play. I’m processing a thousand emotions. I’m not afraid to say that it crosses my mind of being a little scared here and there. But my strength is rooted in my faith and my faith is stronger than any fear.”

There were big hits involving Hamlin, but even the little things are magnified under these circumstances.

“That first little moment of contact, that’s just letting me know I felt alive, man. Felt like I’m here,” said Hamlin. “I’m overcoming a thousand and thousand and thousand emotions, and I’m processing them all at one time while trying to focus and execute at the highest level in the world. It felt good. It was just that moment of OK, let’s just settle in and let’s just one play at a time. Let’s just keep going.”

The next step for Hamlin is playing in games, with the Bills first of this preseason just under two weeks away.

Beyond that, Hamlin’s sights remain bigger than himself.

“We’ve all got a goal, and the storybook ending will be the end how you all know that we want to end it,” said Hamlin.